10 Productive Morning Habits That Will Change Your Life

The alarm clock starts ringing early in the morning, what is not better than completely ignoring the alarm clock, wrapping ourselves in our bedspread, and hugging our pillow?

The thought of mornings makes us almost puke because this is the hardest part of the day for so many of us.Yet, this is the essential part of our day to have a successful day.

For most of us, our morning routine looks like this:

  • Wake up, then hit the snooze button, then again and again for an hour or so.

  • Go through all our social media accounts to see what’s going on in the world.

  • Rush out of bed, realizing we are running late for work. 

  • Quickly grab a cup of coffee (usually on the go) for our energy boost. Maybe grab a quick breakfast if we have the time.

  • Feeding our minds with all sorts of negativity and complaints about the day.

Have you ever wondered why successful people almost always have a productive day, and are always motivated and happy every day? 

It’s because they have developed a good morning routine. After all, they understand how beneficial it is for the rest of the day.

Strangely, mornings are their favorite part of their day. For us sluggards, we think they’re CRAZY!Developing healthy habits is essential for our everyday well-being, productivity, and success. 

Because the way we spend our mornings will determine the quality of our day.

 If we start our day in negativity, we are destined for a negative unproductive day.We sometimes feel helpless in life, like we have no control over even small matters like waking up at the right time.

Jim Rohn said once:

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”

If we are going to be successful in life, in any area, we have to develop good habits for us to run our day effectively… and they all start in the morning!

How Can Morning Habits Transform Your Life?

Even doing a slight change in our morning routine can bring a huge difference in our lives, physically and psychologically.

Having a routine is critical for humans because they bring order and we have a sense of control of our day and ultimately our life.

Developing a healthy morning routine improves our focus, productivity, physical health as well as mental health.

Additionally, a healthy routine also has a positive effect on our immune system. For instance, a poor irregular cycle of sleep brings a negative impact on our immunity.

If you convert the bad habit of sleep, to consistently going to sleep at the same hour every night and waking at the same time every morning. It will boost your immune system.

Every successful people are strict when it comes to their mornings. Mornings are the most critical part of their day, for they take time for themselves to reflect, plan and improve.

For them, it’s kind of like a ritual that they are obligated to attend at a specific time they choose.

Not having a good morning routine is not an option for them, for that is what makes them stand out from the crowd. And for this reason, they are highly effective in their personal and professional lives. 

Even though they only have a couple of minutes, they make sure they never miss out on their morning ritual.

As Tony Robbins said:

“ If you don’t have 10 minutes, you don’t have a life.”

Tony Robbins

Another good news about sticking to a healthy routine in the morning is that it also increases your energy levels and you are more likely to have a productive day.

It also helps you to obtain and continue to be in a positive mindset throughout your day and week.

Successful people rely on their morning routine since it gives them a sense of clarity and reduces the feeling of overwhelmedness and lowers  their stress levels. Since they live a busy and unsurprisingly stressful life.

Without further ado let’s unlock the secrets of successful people’s perfect morning routine.

10 PRODUCTIVE Morning Habits From Successful People You NEED To Apply Into Your Own Routine

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

Mark Twain

If we are going to be successful in life whether personally or professionally, I think the most effective way is to learn from other people who have climbed the ladder to success.

Here I will give you the top ten productive morning habits inspired by highly successful people, for you to copy for your productivity and success.

1. Practice Meditation

Most successful people cannot stress enough about practicing meditation each morning before they start their busy day.

People like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, and many other celebrities love to meditate in the morning. Tony takes at least 10 minutes out of his schedule after waking up to meditate.

He likes to perform breathing exercises. Visualize success and express gratitude for a couple of minutes.

Meditation has significant benefits when it comes to our mental and physical health.

For instance, it can help with (just to point out a few examples):

  • Depression 

  • High blood pressure

  • Helps you sleep better

  • Eases anxiety

  • Productivity 

  • Self-awareness

  • Boosts your immune system

  • Helps with decision making

  • Improves your sex life 

  • Reduces memory loss

  • Positive mindset

  • Discipline 

And many other great benefits.

2. Move Your Body

Committing yourself to having a morning workout every morning has unsurprisingly great benefits to it. Successful people like to start their mornings to move their bodies and get their heart rate going.

Morning exercise has a remarkable advantage for our overall well-being. To give you a few examples:

  • Increases your energy levels, your mental energy as well as physical.

  • Has a positive impact on your circadian rhythm

  • Helps with better focus as well as your mood

  • Helps to avoid unnecessary distractions in the morning

  • Improves your mental health 

  • Helps you make healthier choices 

  • Keeps you in good shape 

  • Helps to avoid diseases 

Just as simply getting fresh air first thing in the morning, maybe having a morning walk leaves us refreshed and energized throughout the day.

3. Practice gratitude

“ Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

Oprah Winfrey

There is no success without gratitude for what you already have and what you obtain. Highly effective people and true leaders understand the importance of gratitude for sure.

They will not start their day until they have shown some gratitude. 

Therefore they make sure to repeatedly and habitually show gratitude each morning until it becomes a part of their subconscious mind.

Common ways they practice gratitude are to keep a gratitude journal or through prayer. 

Gratitude also has some benefits linked to it:

  • Strengthen relationships

  • Improves you as a leader 

  • Makes you happier

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Have a better perspective of life and people

  • You appreciate life more

  • You become more attractive to other people

4. Become A Early Riser

alarm clock

“Do not love sleep or you will grow poor;stay awake and you will have food to spare.”

Proverbs 20:13 (NIV)

Most successful people we consider crazy because of how early they wake up every single morning. Many like Dwayne Johnson, Tim Cook, Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Obama, Jennifer Aniston, Will Smith, and many others wake up around 4 am or earlier.

Some of them only get around 5 hours of sleep which we think is even more absurd.

The reason is because of how much they value time. They understand their success is the result of their discipline and commitment to time.

They wake up before everybody else to work on their dreams and vision and to get a little extra time for themselves to go over their morning routine.

It is way out of the picture to even consider sleeping in, they will never hit the snooze button no matter how tired they are. The pursuit of their life’s purpose is more important than sleep, and time is more important than money.

Out of their own experience, being a morning person gives us such an advantage, for mornings tend to leave us more productive. Have more hours in a day to work on our dreams, spend time with our family, take care of our bodies, and have alone time with ourselves.

It can also improve our quality of sleep, diminish stress, and increase our concentration.

5. Take Cold Showers

Tony Robbins loves to start his mornings by diving into a 57-degree Fahrenheit pool of ice-cold water.

Tony is not the only one to be under cold water the first thing in the morning, but so does Dwayne Johnson and many others.

Why the heck would they go through this torture in the mornings? Why not take a relaxing, comfortable, hot shower before starting their day?

Well, people who have applied cold showers into their own routine have left a positive outcome in their life and welfare. The amazing benefits of cold showering include:

  • Wakens you up (clearly)

  • Can reduce muscle soreness

  • Helps you with productivity 

  • Leaves you with glowing hair and skin

  • Boosts weight loss

  • Helps you concentrate 

  • Helps with depression 

  • Helps you stay focused throughout the day

  • Strengthens your willpower 

  • Can ease your anxiety 

6. Eat A Healthy Breakfast

Fueling your body with a healthy breakfast is a good way to start your day. Many of us don’t have time to prepare a healthy breakfast, which oftentimes leads us to grab fast food for lunch on the run. 

That is mostly because we haven’t molded a good morning routine to wake up a little earlier than we are supposed to before heading to our daily activities.

Not having a proper breakfast could (and often does) lead to radical longings for a portion of quick and juicy takeaway food to satisfy our hunger.

Many successful people make sure they have a healthy breakfast before starting their busy day. 

You seldom see a successful person ordering Mac Donalds for breakfast. However, they oftentimes consume a healthy breakfast that will keep them full throughout the day.

7. Read A Book

All successful people love to nourish their minds by reading a good nonfiction book before they deal with life.By reading books they learn to deal with life’s challenges, they are exposed to new ideas and overall become wiser individuals.

8. Prioritize Your Day

person planning on his weekly scheduler

Successful people are very incisive concerning their time, they will by no means waste it. They make sure to block time for everything that is important in their life. Whether that is their personal, professional, or/and family life.

This gives them a sense of clarity for their assignment for the day, as well as lessens their procrastination, improves their focus, and boosts their productivity.

9. Visualize Your Future Success

Visualizing your future, what you want to achieve, and who you want to become is such an effective way to start your mornings. This practice is usually done through the meditation process.

This helps you remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing and eliminate everything that doesn’t align with your vision and purpose. 

For instance… why are you starting this business? Is this school you want to apply relevant to what you want to become in the future or present? Why are you thinking of making this decision, and is it going to help your journey forward?

All successful people use this practice. They visualize the big picture they have created in their minds as to what their future looks like. And from that big picture, they like to visualize their day of what they want to achieve for the day and what they want to improve, and so on.

Visualization also has some significant benefits to it, in fact, it has helped many successful people achieve their dreams and goals:

  • It brings more clarity into your life

  • It can help you change old and negative habits 

  • It has a major impact on your decision makings

  • It can reduce stress and confusion

  • It increases your faith in your dream and yourself to achieve it

10. Fill Your House With Music

Starting your morning with your favorite songs right when you get out of bed is a fun way to start your day, especially if you’re not a morning person.

Rising up to motivating music will uplift your happiness, leaving you refreshed and ready for the day. It will make you energized and productive throughout your entire day.

Depending on the type of music it can either make you more positive and energetic, increase your focus, or make you feel less stress and anxiety for the day ahead.

A good reason to play your favorite jam right after waking up in the morning is to get you into a good positive state of mind,  so you can face the challenges of your day.

Now It’s Time For You To Put Them Into Practice

Of course, you don’t have to put all these habits at the same time into your routine. You could only choose one or two as a starter and work yourself up.

Whether you choose to follow these habits or create your own that you know is going to work best for you.

The main point is to create a healthy routine that’s going to increase your productivity, relieve you from all unnecessary stress, and leave you in a positive state of mind for your day to work to your advantage.

We all have a morning routine. However, most of us don’t have a healthy and productive routine. Too many of us rush into our mornings, making coffee our go-to energy boost and a stress reliever.

It’s good to wake up a little earlier than you need to, even if it’s only 30 minutes earlier. So you can take time for yourself to make yourself ready mentally and physically for all the challenges the day offers you.

I like to remind myself of something that Les Brown said:

“If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. But if you do what is hard, your life will be easy.”

Les Brown

In the context of a morning routine… eliminating the bad habits you do in the mornings, and developing healthy, productive habits like these, is quite hard and discouraging.

However, when you do so, your life would be considerably easier compared to having a lousy routine.

Your day would go more smoothly for you ( not to say that your day would be easier, although you’ll be more prepared for it anyway.)

What was your favorite habit of these 10 habits in this article? Which one are you going to give a try?


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