Fixed or Growth Mindset? Transform With These 7 Easy Steps
Discover The Key Differences Between Fixed And Growth Mindset And Learn 7 Actionable Steps To Transform Your Thinking.
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The distinction between a fixed mentality and a progressive mindset might be the difference between success and failure in life.
People who have a fixed mindset think that their skills and capabilities are predetermined and unchangeable.
On the other hand, those with a growth mindset think they can improve their skills and abilities with work and practice.
What mentality do you possess? Don't worry if you have a fixed attitude; with these 7 steps, you can change it to a development mindset.
You'll be more receptive to learning new things, more resilient in the face of failure, and more likely to succeed in life if you have a growth mindset.
What is a fixed mindset?
Do you ever tell yourself, "I don't think I can change my personality," or "I am who I am"?
You most likely possess a fixed mindset if this is the case.
Your ability to accomplish your objectives and fully live your life may be hindered by this way of thinking.
The notion that some characteristics cannot be altered, or you believe that whatever you are born with (natural ability, innate ability, intelligence, etc.) is unchangeable, is known as a fixed mindset. And no amount of hard work or practice can change that.
You might think you are bad at math if you consistently received low grades in school.
Perhaps no one has ever told you that you are beautiful, so you believe you’re not.
A fixed mindset causes people to believe that their personalities are what keep them from doing certain things.
They frequently think they are powerless to alter their habits or develop new abilities.
growth-minded people, on the other hand, think that they can change their lives with effort and practice.
Example of a fixed mindset person
Here I will illustrate an example of a person with a fixed mindset, is this something you can relate to?
#1 When you can’t reach a particular goal you put for yourself
“How could Peter reach his goals and I can’t? What’s wrong with me? ( blaming yourself) How come everybody I know is doing better than I am? (comparing yourself to others and doubting your ability.)
#2 When you are running late for work
“How is this happening to me, my whole day is ruined now, I’m such a fool! ( being overly critical towards yourself about something that happens to everybody from time to time.) If my alarm clock were louder or woke me sooner, I wouldn't be late.” (Blaming others/things.)
#3 Learning new things
“Tony what makes you think that I can learn to use this new computer, I’ve grown old, I want my old computer back!” (Specifically relates to older people who are too stubborn to learn new things.)
#4 Being rejected
“Honey, I have been looking for a job for weeks, and no position is available for me, what should I do? I will never find a job, I’m useless.” (Losing hope)
What challenges do you face in dealing with a fixed mindset?
A fixed mindset can be harmful to your happiness and success. It might result in a lack of motivation and a sense of inadequacy.
The belief that they are not good enough is one of the major difficulties people with a fixed mindset encounter.
They give up trying because they don't think they have what it takes to succeed in life and they don't want to fail or get hurt.
People with a fixed mindset struggle with being too harsh on themselves when they make mistakes rather than viewing them as teaching moments.
Instead of realizing that mistakes are inevitable and that an essential thing in life is how you respond to them, they feel like failures.
They cannot give their all, complete important tasks, and reach their full potential.
The right mindset advises people that their fundamental qualities are things they can cultivate with effort, in contrast to the fixed mindset.
Growth-oriented individuals view mistakes and setbacks not as reflections of who they are, but simply as an opportunity to learn and improve.
What are The fixed mindset triggers?
The people and circumstances in a person's life can have an impact on their mindset. Parents, teachers, friends, or the media can all be sources of fixed mindset triggers, which can be internal or external in nature.
We may believe that we lack the intelligence, talent, or skills necessary for the things we want to do in life due to these triggers.
The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors known as fixed mindset triggers lead to a fixed mindset.
People who experience these triggers may come to believe that their abilities are unchangeable and unalterable.
Some typically fixed mindset triggers include the following:
Parents who exclaim, "You're so smart!"
Professors who exclaim, "You're so talented!"
Friends who lament their lack of talent in comparison to you.
Fear negative feedback.
Avoiding difficult situations/ being discouraged by setbacks.
Jealous of others' success while you lag behind, believing you're worthless.
All these can lead a person to think that their talent or intelligence is set in stone and cannot be changed.
This can prevent them from taking on new challenges, or from putting in the effort to improve their skills.
Additionally, a fixed mindset can also lead to a fear of failure, as people believe that they will be judged harshly if they are not immediately successful.
What is a growth mindset?
A growth mindset is a conviction that knowledge and skill can be acquired through time.
This perspective contrasts a fixed mindset, which holds that talent and intellect are unchangeable permanent attributes.
According to research, those with a growth mindset are more likely to persist in facing obstacles, see failures as chances for improvement, and be more receptive to criticism and feedback.
In other words, growth-oriented people think that everyone can improve their skills with commitment and effort.
People who have a development mentality, however, think that success is impacted by much effort and strategy rather than being a predetermined condition of affairs.
A development mentality is advantageous for several reasons:
It motivates us to put in more effort and improve our skills.
It enables us to be more receptive to fresh perspectives and encounters.
It increases our ability to bounce back after failure.
It increases our sense of accomplishment and facilitates more effective goal-achieving.
It makes us more upbeat, encouraging us to keep a good attitude toward life.
It is critical for our personal growth.
Growth Mindset Examples
#1 When you can’t reach a particular goal you set for yourself
“Oh, I wasn’t able to get an A on my exams, but that’s Ok. Next time I will study a little harder and do better.”
#2 When you’re running late for work
“Oh no, I accidentally overslept. But I will not beat myself up much about it, it happens –next time I’ll do better.”
#3 Learning new things
“I don’t know much about SEO, perhaps now is a good opportunity for me to learn more about it to grow my online business.”
# 4 Being rejected
“ My business failed, but it’s not the end of the world. I’ve learned from this failure what to do and what not to do.”
7 Steps To Develop A Growth Mindset
1. Don't fear facing new challenges
Take on new challenges without hesitation. It's vital for your personal development to learn how to overcome obstacles.
What do you think of the difficulties you are currently facing? Are you going to embrace them or run away from them?
You'll never learn new things or develop as a person if you create the habit of avoiding challenges.
If you can learn to welcome challenges, you'll step outside of your comfort zone and develop personally.
2. Learn new skills
Learn new skills, hone existing ones, and broaden your skill set. Engage in intellectual challenges and daily learning.
Would you like to develop new opportunities for growth? Take on new tasks and be open to change.
3. Get out of your comfort zone
We are prisoners of our comfort zones, which prevents us from developing personally.
Being in your comfort zone refers to being in an environment where you feel secure and at ease and where your skills are not put to the test.
How can you leave your comfort zone? I'll outline some crucial ideas to think about:
Stop being afraid of failures: Failure cannot be avoided. You'll make a mistake somewhere. You'll never succeed if you don't learn how to handle failure. Failure is good because it provides feedback. Acquire the ability to accept constructive criticism and use it to your advantage.
Be willing to try new things: You must have an open mind and be eager to try new things. Try new things without letting fear hold you back. Take chances, even if they are tiny ones.
Always strive to improve: Always keep trying to get better if you want to improve at something. Being content with where you are right now serves no purpose.
4. Learn from other growth mindset people
Imitating people who really inspire you is one of the best ways to develop and learn.
Place yourself in a setting where growth-minded individuals are flourishing, and observe how they achieved success.
On this subject, you could read a good book, watch an educational YouTube video, or listen to a motivating podcast.
5. Make use of the power of 'yet.'
Perhaps you have some weaknesses or skills that you are not yet proficient in.
However, when developing a growth mindset, keep in mind that your weaknesses are strengths that you have yet to discover and develop.
As a result, just because you're not good at weightlifting, ‘yet,’ or building a business, 'yet,' doesn't mean you'll never be.
Harness the power of 'yet'! Know that you can learn and improve in areas where you are not yet proficient.
Turn your 'can't' into a 'CAN!'
6. Change your belief system
Your belief system is impeding your ability to cultivate a growth mindset. In that case, look into your belief system:
How do you see yourself?
Do you believe you can change, or do you believe no one can?
Do you believe you have the ability and potential to become whoever and whatever you want to be?
7. Seek Feedback
As an example... Even if you are the top student in your class, with the highest grade point average, you will require feedback.
If you are a fixed-minded person, you will believe that you are the best and that no one can beat you.
However, if you never improve, someone will eventually surpass you.
Therefore, however good you are at something, always make sure you seek feedback from others and see where you need to improve in your life.
Becoming a better person ( a better version of yourself) is not a one-time process, but lifelong learning.
Famous Examples Of Growth Mindset Quotes
" I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." — Michael Jordan
" Many life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." — Thomas Edison
" In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I'm going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here's a chance to grow." — Carol S. Dweck
" The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." — Steve Jobs
" Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. " — Oprah Winfrey
Wrapping Up
Ask yourself this important question: Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?
Growth mindset embrace challenges and is essential for success in life, as it allows you to learn from failures and persevere in the face of setbacks.
You can develop a growth mindset by taking on new challenges, seeking feedback, and continuing to learn and grow.
Book Recommendation
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Are you trying to find a way to alter your perspective? If so, this book is unquestionably for you.
A book titled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success was written by a world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck.
This book offers useful methods for cultivating a growth mindset. Our potential is determined by our mindsets, according to Carol Dweck's theory in her book.
She claims that some people think they were born with particular skills or talents.
Additionally, they frequently believe that their minds are unalterable and fixed. She contends that anyone can advance their abilities with time and effort.
People with a growth mindset, according to Carol Dweck, are better able to learn from mistakes and setbacks.
These people are less likely to give up because they are aware that they can always improve. They are open to experimenting and taking chances.