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    12 Great Habits Of The Most Happiest Couples

    The 12 habits of the happiest couples are simple but powerful habits that can help you and your partner keep a strong, loving relationship and build a healthy marriage.

    Many people have a marriage that lacks pleasure, peace, and harmony. They are always unhappy with one another, which causes continual squabbling. 

    After taking out their frustrations on one another, the couple eventually divorces. A happy relationship begins with a shift in attitude. 

    When you let go of stress and negativity and focus on the positive sentiments that comprise a healthy relationship, your life begins to change for the better. 

    Even in the midst of a crisis, it is possible to avoid disintegration by shifting your emphasis from what is wrong to what can be addressed and then adopting tactics for working through the crisis

    Many couples are unaware that their habits are harming their relationship until it is too late.

    This blog post will show you how to recognize the 12 most prevalent habits of the happiest couples and how to incorporate them into your own relationship.

    12 Habits Of The Happiest Couples

    Learn how to implement the 12 healthy habits of happy healthy relationships in your marriage or relationship.

    Cultivate Common Interests

    The most successful couples, in my opinion, are those who are in a loving relationship while simultaneously being each other’s best friends. 


    I’ve heard some individuals say that they can’t stand being with each other and spending quality time for a long because they become sick of one another.


    This is hardly an example of healthy couples, in my opinion. We all have preferences, but this is just my view.


     Long term happy marriage and relationship is obvious when couples can’t get enough of one other, even after 30+ years together.


    A highly crucial aspect of a relationship is cultivating common interests. This does not mean that you have to have everything in common with your spouse and do everything together, but you should have at least a few hobbies that you can share.


    Because how can you have a strong relationship with your friends if you don’t share some common interests? There will be debates, friction, and boredom.


    And the most crucial component in a long-lasting relationship is that both parties share the same values and have comparative perspectives on life, as well as adhere to life principles that will serve as the foundation for a solid future.


    Man and Woman Sitting on Brown Leather Couch

    What do I mean by that?


    Many individuals enter a relationship for the sake of pleasure and excitement, and before they realize it, they’ve broken up. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is that they lack a foundation.


    When difficulties arise in a relationship, many couples crumble. They are unable to deal with it, so instead of figuring it out, they almost immediately give up.


    They only lack a basis, and in the absence of a foundation, a relationship will fall apart in the face of difficulty.


    what is the foundation?


    Every carpenter is aware that building construction must begin with the foundation rather than the actual edifice. 


    They don’t begin with the walls, roof, or windows. They must begin laying the foundation so that when a storm hits, the structure will be secure since it is resting firmly on one.


    You must have the strength to remain steadfast and resist seeing divorce as the best option when facing difficulties in your marriage. 


    Using the following as your building blocks, you may create a strong marriage and a strong family:


    • Knowledge (have knowledge of each other as well as how relationships operate)
    • Wisdom (Having the ability to apply knowledge)
    • Understanding ( you can know things without understanding them. For instance, if you know you should press the clutch before changing gears in your manual car, but you don’t know how that means you have not understood the assignment)
    • Love ( being able to express love for each other despite your differences)
    • Belief (develop a constructive philosophy that will help you grow as an individual)
    • Principles (follow the right principles that will make you the greatest version of yourself)

    Express Gratitude

    Happiness does not come running to you, and you cannot chase it either. Because if you do, it will flee. 


    Perhaps this is why you are still unhappy. Happiness is created. It is the environment you build by growing yourself, which you bring with you wherever you go.


    You don’t seek happiness; you cultivate it within yourself, and it follows you about like a devoted disciple. You’re in trouble if you’re seeking a romantic relationship to achieve contentment.


    Because you should have developed your happiness before joining a relationship. Because when we don’t, it might have a detrimental influence on the other person.


    Happiness in relationships is more likely among couples who show one another gratitude and admiration. And it is crucial to developing a genuine bond.

    A Couple Sitting on a Couch while Hugging Each Other

    Focus On Who Their Partner Is Rather Than What They Do For A Living

    Many people make assumptions about other people based on their profession. Therefore, if you don’t have a well-paying job or aren’t in school, you suddenly have no significance and no worth.


    This is also the case for many couples in today’s culture. Chris Rock, the comedian said once: ” Women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he can provide something.”


    Although it’s true that a man’s role in a relationship is to be a provider for his family. But what if the man loses his job and isn’t currently able to provide, is he then of no value or worth?


    When looking for a spouse, many women are more concerned with what he does for a living, what he can provide, and how much.


     However, they fail to recognize who their companion is on the inside.


    Lots of couples place high expectations on a partner’s possessions, appearance, intelligence, and charisma, among other exterior characteristics.


    However, not many pay attention to a person’s morals and integrity.

    They Don't Take Things Too Seriously


    In general, life is difficult, and we are all influenced by the changes it brings. We will all experience bumps on the road, endure difficulties, and face some obstacles.


    Many individuals find happiness in the good seasons of life, but when the bad seasons occur, they crumble.


     Many couples just take life too seriously, and they are continuously negatively impacted by it.


    Good relationships do not let life events over which they have no control impair their enjoyment. 


    In fact, witnessing really happy couples will reveal that they can laugh, grin, joke around, and dance despite whatever crisis or bad times they are currently going through.

    They Are Forgiving Toward Each Other

    Happy, healthy relationships are the ones that are forgiving. Happy couples don’t give up on each other quickly; they forgive each other’s mistakes.


    Many relationships fail when the other person makes errors. They do not forgive or assist them in becoming better people; instead, they simply depart.


    Happy couples desire the best for each other, and they encourage each other to work on themselves and become the greatest versions of themselves.

    Woman Holding Man's Hand

    They Support Each Other

    When your spouse comes to you when you’re feeling down and discouraged and says, “I have faith in you,” there isn’t much better or more uplifting in life. “This can do this. You have my full support.”


    You may safely come home from work after a bad day and expect complete support from your significant other, rather than disputes and complaints.


    Strong couples consistently believe in each other and demonstrate complete trust and confidence in their abilities to navigate their lives.

    They Are Always Honest (Or At Least Try To Be)

    It is critical in a relationship to have good communication with one another. They make every effort to be as truthful as possible with each other.

    Valentine's Day Every Day (Not Just On February 14)

    Many people only celebrate their love on holidays like Valentine’s Day. A lot of couples make an attempt to express their love to their partner on Valentine’s Day once a year.


    On this particular day, most couples look for heart-shaped candies, write sweet messages, plan a date night, and generally make a conscious effort to show their significant other how much they love them.


    But shouldn’t every couple be celebrating their love every day, not only on Valentine’s Day? Shouldn’t we all make an attempt, even if it’s only a simple gesture, to let our partner know we love them?


    In essence, this is a crucial habit that all great marriage practice in their union.

    Woman Holding Bouquet of Flowers Kissing a Man

    They Practice Patience

    I was at rock bottom in my life when I first started dating who is now my fiancé. I was lost, bewildered, and broken, and I was acting foolishly in his presence.

    He could have walked away many times, but he chose to stay because he found value and worth in me. 

    He made a concerted attempt to help me improve and keep our relationship thriving. He planted my seed of love since I couldn’t love myself.

    The issue in many relationships is that people give up on one other far too readily. They focus on each other’s defects rather than their value.

    Every broken person possesses a seed of greatness, and sometimes it requires the assistance of another person to help realize and nurture that seed.

    Undoubtedly, some individuals have a fixed mindset and are too obstinate to make changes in their life. 

    And once we realize that, we shouldn’t waste time on them since they aren’t going to change.

    However, a lot of people make the mistake of judging their relationship as a waste of time too quickly. 

    We shouldn’t hold our partners to such a high standard that we expect them to be faultless because everyone has flaws and makes errors. 

    Before reaching a conclusion, we should instead make every effort to help that individual understand their significance and value and assist them in bettering themselves.


    They Grow Together In Faith

    Growing in trust in God is the highest priority in every married life and relationship.

    The goal of marriage is to join two people in order to have a powerful impact on the world through God’s plan and purpose.


    They Accept Each Other Without Having To Change Each Other

    Although the other person is very different from the other, happy couples embrace each other for who they are and do not attempt to alter the other person.


    They Have A Vision For Their Future

    Unhappy couples don’t have any relationship objectives. Happy couples are purpose-driven by what they desire to achieve and develop in the future. They share a common goal of what they wish to create together in future times.



    And there you have it, the 12 great habits of the happiest couples. These good habits are really important factors in every relationship, in order for it to be enjoyable and long-lasting.


    But the most crucial thing to realize is that laying a strong foundation is necessary if you want to create a successful marriage and family. Love isn’t the basis for marriage and families, despite what many people believe.


    Why are so many families breaking apart if love is the glue that ties them together? 


    Is it because they are no longer in love with one another? No! In reality, many couples who divorce still love one another but can’t stand each other.


    And the reason is that they lack understanding of how marriages function and the roles of each person in a relationship.


    Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are the three main ingredients in any relationship, and love is the outcome of these three components.


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